Introduction: Jeffrey Court Home Depot Fall Renovation Challenge
Today is the big day! The official launch page for the Jeffrey Court Home Depot Fall Renovation Challenge is here! As one out of twelve participants selected, we finally get to tell you about it!
A month or so ago, I was scrolling through Instagram and came across a post from Jeffrey Court HD (who makes my gorgeous kitchen backsplash feature!) inviting DIY’ers to enter a contest. If selected to participate, they provide the tile, and you provide the commentary about your project throughout the competition.
We are thrilled to be a part of this friendly competition. It’s our first! As you can probably tell from my very unprofessional bio pic. (**Note to self: when submitting a headshot to be considered for a competition, maybe dig a little deeper than cropping your mom out of a selfie on your cell phone- haha!!)
Each week, I will be posting an update on our bathroom renovation progress. Starting on week 3, you are invited to join in voting for your favorite!
Happy Renovating!
#ChallengeAccepted #JCRenoChallenge #JCInspiredMe